I'm reviewing some of the primary results for several states that held their elections on August 10th. Particularly, the state of Minnesota's race for Governor. Mark Dayton, pulled off a late night upset to win over the Democratic Farm Labor (DFL)-Endorsed Margaret Anderson-Kelliher but after looking at both candidates, there's really no winner for the citizens of Minnesota on the Democratic ticket.
The two candidates ran on different platforms. After being endorsed by the DFL party, Anderson-Kelliher ran on the common sense platform of making budget cuts to cover the MN budget shortfall. This is the smart approach, however, in the end it was rejected by the voters of Minnesota. When your personal funds are running short, do you keep spending? Heck no, you cut back on your spending and start saving to make your ends meet. What the heck are you Minnesotans thinking?
Mark Dayton said that he'd raise taxes on the wealthy which, in this case, he deems "wealthy" as households with an income of over $130,000. That's not much by any means, but again, it's Mark Dayton who was a dismal failure as a one-term United States Senator that voted for nearly every tax increase that came through Congress during his term.
Both candidates promoted the fact that Minnesota needs jobs. Lots of jobs! With an unemployment rate just slightly below the national average, both candidates had the same old usual song and dance that each would cater to businesses and come up with ideas and incentives to bring jobs to the state. So far, neither candidate has produced any tangible plans or policies on how they'd accomplish this. But I ask, how can you say on one side of your mouth that you'll cater to businesses with ideas and incentives, but on the other side of your mouth you want to raise taxes on the rich?
To understand how insane of an idea it is to raise taxes on the rich, we need to look at who the rich are and what they do. Job creators are usually the people with the money that invest into businesses that create the jobs. The same people that earn more than Dayton's $130,000 earmark. If you haven't figured it out yet, the rich are the job creators!
Dayton plans to create a fourth tax bracket for these high income earners. Using my common sense, I will call this tax bracket the "Special Tax Bracket for High Wage Earners" or "Special Tax" for short. These job creators are usually the people with a higher education, motivated from an early age to work and study hard, etc. You get the picture. Now if the job-creators are going to pay special taxes, where's the incentive to further one's education, or to take a financial risk to create a company or, for that matter, create jobs? There is none and, therefore, Dayton's plan is doomed to failure before it even gets off the ground.
Dayton's campaign slogan should be, "Love jobs, it's job-creators I don't feel for." Throughout history, there has never been a country that has taxed and spent itself into prosperity and it will not work for the United States or the state of Minnesota.
People of Minnesota, wake up! The insanity lies in the fact that this is nothing new. It's never worked and it's been tried over and over again. You're repeating the same thing but expecting a different result. That's insanity!
In my opinion, Dayton's Republican opponent, Tom Emmer, seems best suited for this job. Emmer understands that you need to provide incentives to companies and (the rich) to create jobs in the state. Yes, the rap on the Pawlenty administration is that he was a friend of the rich. Well who in the heck do you think creates the jobs, the poor? It's a fact of life, you need to lure the rich to your state to get them to invest there. Investing in your state creates jobs! Yes, it's the rich that create the jobs and yes we need to befriend them whether or not you like it! It's simple economics and it will never change. Expecting it to do so is purely insane.
There's a reason that liberals are usually non-business people. They don't understand economics and business and, therefore, they will tell you to vote for those that will tax the rich because it's only fair! That's what I'd call trickle-down insanity because they're preaching it and the people of Minnesota are buying it.